Entries by Matty

How 3D Real Estate Rendering Can Help You Sell Your Next Property

3D real estate renderings are a powerful marketing tool that can ensure the effectiveness of your property promotion. Photorealistic renderings can help you sell the space to potential buyers, whether you’re trying to presell a property that has yet to be built or you’re showcasing a range of existing houses. Wondering exactly how renderings can […]

3D Architecture Services

The real estate industry is becoming more competitive as the demand for new buildings increases. When it comes to real estate projects, 3D renderings for the exterior and interior of your structure are one thing that will really give you an edge. There are tons of ways in which 3D renderings for real estate can […]

How to render walls

Knowing how to make walls is a useful skill. Even more useful knows when your home needs to be rendered, and how much it will cost to get it done. And, well, before spring, it’s a good time to check in so that you can book someone to do a job in better weather. Changing […]

What colors can you use for house rendering?

Traditional house rendering colors include white, grey and black, but you don’t have to limit yourself to these options. Pigments can be added to the mixture or pre-mixed acrylic renders can be purchased. Real Estate recommends that you stick to contemporary house color schemes so that you have a balance of being both modern and […]

How much does it cost to render a house?

When it comes to cost rendering, the biggest determining factor is the size of the wall. The more surface area you need to cover, the more materials you need, and the more money you spend. Next is the render type. Cement rendered homes are the industry standard. They’re tough, affordable, and versatile. You may need […]

Rendering versus plastering versus bagging

Rendering is sometimes used interchangeably with “plastering” and “bagging,” but while they are very similar, they refer to different processes. One Flare points out that the main difference between plastering and rendering is that plastering is mainly used for interior walls to prepare wallpaper or painting. It uses less cement and less coats. The difference […]

What is house rendering and how much does it cost?

Rendering—in the context of home improvement—is the process of covering the exterior wall with cement, lime, acrylic, or some other kind of mixture. This protects exposed brick and other construction materials from erosion and cracking; prevents expensive maintenance or repairs down the line. Rendered brick extends the life span of your wall by ten or […]

Acrylic Renders

Rendering is a construction technique involving the application of cement to a wall or an exterior of a property. There are many different types of rendering systems, one of which is acrylic rendering. An acrylic rendering is any type of rendering that uses acrylic, which is a type of plastic, in a mixture. The acrylic […]

Concrete Repair and Decoration

Concrete is a simple building material that contains cement (usually Portland cement) and other cement materials such as fly ash and slag cement, aggregates (usually a rough aggregate made of gravel or powdered rocks such as limestone, as well as a good quality aggregate such as sand), water, and chemical components and mixtures. Water reacts […]